Alona Lifshitz has been active for years in community and social organizations whose goal is to improve our public space and our lives within it.

Since 2014 till the present Alona has been a board member of the Ofek Bank – a new initiative in Israel for creating a Credit Union / Bank owned by it’s share holders.


In 2013, Alona designed the 'Watermelon stand' for the "Green and Red" festival that took place that year in the Musrara neighborhood, which is her home neighborhood, this in following many years of activity in the neighborhood with the residents' committee and local associations such as Muslala.



In  2012- 2013, Alona led a movement of public opposition to the construction of tower blocks facing the beach in Givat Olga, with residents of nearby buildings and the neighborhood.


A TV interview about the towers construction near the sea shore



In the years 2013-2014, Alona gave a series of lectures on the subject of 'Architecture and Cinema' as part of a lecture and film program at the Jerusalem Cinematheque.


For many years, Alona was a board member in the Jerusalem branch of the Association of Architects and was chairperson of the board in 2007-2010.






Community Service and Involvement​

Architecture and cinema

A TV interview about the towers near the sea shore​






GlobalEx         טל: 03-6760602

ת.ד. 7639, רמת גן מיקוד 52176



שדה חובה

תודה רבה!

הטופס נשלח בהצלחה.


שדה חובה

שדה חובה

שדה חובה



 Ben Yehuda st. 7 Jerusalem

Phone :02-6256211

Fax: 02-6257211


Secretary - Shirin:

Alona Lifshitz:               

Vera Spivak:                     

Yair Ben Gad:                  

Naama Slosman:          

Avishai Ben-Abba:

Accessibility statement

After conducting an investigation, we believe that we are exempt from site accessibility because we do not provide a public service. Therefore, we are not obliged to perform any kind of accessibility.

If you disagree with our interpretation, please contact us by email with the reasons why and we will look into the issue.

 Alona Lifshitz אלונה ליפשיץ